Naturopaths may also look for gluten sensitivities, and ciliac desease. Some times the ansewer isn't to give up bread completely, but a modification in your diet.
If you have questions about gluten and your health, please give Balanced Living a call and book in for a free 15 min comsultation with the naturopath at 905-209-1005.
The Gluten-Free Triathlete: Testing for Gluten Intolerance
Considering giving up wheat? Try these tips for getting started.
By Ian Stokell
You've read about the potential benefits of going gluten-free and heard from IRONMAN pros who've made the switch. So how do you know if you should try the diet yourself? While considerable anecdotal evidence suggests that even those with no definable gluten intolerances can benefit from a wheat-free diet, the first step is to find out if you've got celiac disease, gluten intolerance or an allergy.
Step one: Test yourself
The more comprehensive the testing, the more certain the results. Dr. Alexander Shikhman, rheumatologist and founder of the Institute for Specialized Medicine and Gluten-Free Remedies, generally begins with genetic testing and sampling a a patient's saliva and blood to detect anti-gluten antibodies. But negative test results don't necessarily rule out intolerance, he says.
If, after testing, he still suspects that the person is dealing with gluten intolerance, Shikhman recommends going off gluten for two to three months. He then reintroduces gluten back into the diet, and has the patient observe gluten-associated symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, abdominal pain and bloating, joint and muscle pain.
For professionals like recent IRONMAN 70.3 California third-place winner Lesley Paterson, being as certain as possible has made a massive difference. Paterson, who is gluten intolerant, had thorough testing done at a specialty lab. For multiple IRONMAN 70.3 champion Timothy O’Donnell, who also suffers from gluten intolerance, testing took a little more time and multiple tests. While diagnosis can seem like a chore, remember that it only needs to be done once.
Step two: Form habits
Once the need to eliminate gluten from your diet has been established, Shikhman suggests easing into it—since going cold turkey can cause withdrawal symptoms like headaches, abdominal discomfort and nausea. He suggests allowing yourself three to four weeks to move toward a gluten-free diet by first eliminating major sources of gluten (bread, pasta, pizza, cookies) followed by more minor ones (like soy sauce, processed foods and meat substitutes).
Secondly, if you do have a medical intolerance, it’s important to pay special attention to potential contamination by foods that do contain gluten. Grills and barbeques must be cleaned thoroughly (since many sauces contain gluten). And you may consider buying a separate toaster if someone else in your house eats regular bread.
At first, the long list of foods you can’t eat will seem overwhelming. While you may initially feel deprived, Shikhman advises focusing on the foods you can eat such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, most dairy products, unprocessed meats, fish, poultry, rice and beans, to name only a few. (Just take care that they're not processed or mixed with gluten-containing grains, additives or preservatives.) As you start to pay closer attention in grocery stores, you may find that many of the foods you have to give up are available in gluten-free form.
Diagnosis is only half the battle; the real challenge is staying on a gluten-free diet long term. Shikhman maintains that the key to success is creating new habits. Two rules of thumb? Avoid putting anything in your mouth (or on your skin) unless it is labeled gluten-free and, if you're unable to verify a food's ingredients, skip it. Eventually, avoiding gluten will become a lifestyle change and following the diet will feel like second nature.
Sports writer Ian Stokell holds a MA in Physical Education from Chico State University, with an emphasis on coaching.
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