My weight loss group is always surprised when I
lecture on the importance of fatty acids in the diet. Ingesting fat for a
society focused on skinny seems counter-intuitive. The discussion becomes even
more interesting when I begin to outline the beneficial properties in coconut
The saturated fat in coconut oil has been long associated with elevated
cholesterol levels. This association is not entirely incorrect since coconut oil
does in fact increase HDL (good) cholesterol. This rise in HDL cholesterol,
however, is
good for the body. Since coconut oil
increases HDL (good) cholesterol without affecting LDL (bad) cholesterol, it
creates a more favourable ratio of LDL:HDL.
More recent research on coconut
oil has suggested that the medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil may have
some beneficial effect on the Alzheimer's brain. Alzheimer's disease involves a
decreased uptake of glucose by brain cells. Because glucose is the main sugar
feeding the cells of the brain and promoting their normal function, a decreased
uptake of glucose translates into decreased and impaired cellular function and,
consequently, brain activity.
Medicine has long known that ketones are an
alternate fuel for brain cells. What has been found in the Alzheimer's brain is,
despite the fact that glucose uptake is impaired, ketone uptake is not.
Providing the brain with this alternate fuel may preserve and improve brain
Where does coconut oil fit into this picture then? Ketones are
typically produced by the liver when your systemically circulating glucose is
low (low blood sugar), during a period of fasting (sleep, etc). The issue in
Alzheimer's is that so long as we are eating, our blood sugar will not be low
enough to result in ketone production. This results in the brain not having
access to this alternate fuel. However, if ketones are available to the brain on
a continued basis, brain function will improve. Fortunately, the metabolism of
medium chain triglycerides produces ketones regardless of blood sugar status ..
AND coconut oil is one of the best sources of medium chain
Could altering the prognosis of cognitive outcome in the
Alzheimer's patient be that easy? Apparently, YES! This video was brought to my
attention as a phenomenal example of the wonderful therapeutic potential of
coconut oil. It is inspiring to see that some MDs are willing to acknowledge the
promise of naturopathic therapies! Please watch:
News - Mary Newport MD (click on the link .. also please look beyond the
20-second advert for the religious book)!